Hot and Cold

Published on 14 November 2024 at 01:04

The Tigglers were playing a game called, 'Hot and Cold.'

Benson was hiding and he's able to disappear. He then would say if his friends were getting closer to him or further away, by saying, hot or cold. 

The closer they got, the hotter they got. The further they got the colder they got. 

You can play this too! This game requires at LEAST 2 players. 

1 person hides and object. (No peeking, that makes the games much less fun!)

The rest go looking for the object. 

As the person gets near it, you tell them they are getting hotter. If they start to go away from it, you tell them they are getting colder.

If your fun level is above 56, hide 2 objects at the same time, but not in the same place. That gets very confusing for the person looking, because they could be getting hotter or colder in opposite directions! 

If your fun level is below 56, then hide 1 object, but hide it very well, so none of it is showing. Make it hard for the person looking for it. 


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